Lauren's Blog

Are You My New Licensed Real Estate Assistant?

Motivated: You love the job and live for the best results for the clients.

Reliable: I can rely on you to follow through, and know you’re dependable.

Trustworthy: I have confidence in your ethical and lawful conduct.

Communicative: You keep clients, contractors, (and me) in the loop when it counts, and make sure no-one’s left guessing.

Informed: You can easily and confidently educate clients of all levels of experience. You keep up to date on the ever-changing rules and regulations of the real estate industry.

Organized: You know how to wrangle contractors, get bids, set up inspections, and sit inspections to ensure everything lines up as best as possible.

Meticulous: You keep solid records of official documents, contacts, and other administrative necessities.

Systems: You LOVE Systems. Using them, creating them, implementing them, perfecting them. 

Diligence: You don’t give up, even when it’s overwhelming.

Humility: You know when to ask for help (I know I sure try to).

Accountability: You cop to your mistakes, because you know everyone makes them – myself included, of course! It’s the foundation of good team communication.

Interpersonal: You love interacting with people. You’re thirsty to learn how to create genuine relationships, while guiding the process firmly. Meeting and working with clients, contractors, and peers isn’t a chore, you get a genuine kick out of it.

Attitude: You are generally a positive person, and never take out a bad mood on a client. You are even-keeled, steady in your reactions, and don’t engage in drama. You stay calm in the middle of a storm.

Values: You care more about getting the best results and making a client happy than the bottom line.

Plays by Rules: You never do anything to jeopardize clients, the transaction, or our reputation…

Adaptability: …but you’re adaptable to curveballs, and creative in your problem solving. 

Experience: Ideally, you have 1-3 years’ experience working in real estate.

Familiarity: You know your way around Portland, and enjoy being in your car.

Must Have: A reliable, insured car and current Oregon license, and a safe driving record. You must be a licensed Realtor in Oregon. You must be current on covid vaccinations. 

I’m an experienced Oregon realtor who has recently leveled up to Principal Broker, and I’m seeking the perfect partner to assist my growing business as a licensed real estate assistant. How you represent and interact with clients and colleagues – both new and those already in my rolodex – reflects on me, so it’s very important for me to find the exact right fit. That means I need a disciplined, kind, smart, loyal, motivated person on my team.

I’m fortunate to have an excellent client base, with many talented, creative Portlanders trusting me to guide them in home ownership.  I want someone to be my right hand person, who will take on my clients and treat them in all their beautiful diversity, as I do.

I have a strong social media presence, and many of my clients find me online – you can get a good sense of who I am from my Instagram. I’m a lifelong Oregonian, and have lived around the world and literally sailed the oceans. I pride myself on giving back to the community, supporting local businesses, artists, and entrepreneurs, and being active in issues of social justice. If you don’t believe in equity for all, then I don’t feel like we’d be a good fit. I also believe in science (and you should, too).

We’re a kick ass team who work beautifully together, but we’re also pretty independent in our day to day tasks. We stay connected and keep each other apprised. I need to be able to rely on you to cover for me if needed, host open houses, organize an active buyer schedule, and be willing, available, and flexible as situations arise – this is a full time position, but real estate is not a 9-5 job. Strong communication is important, as is trust, and ethics.

Pay range is $60-$100k, and this is very dependent on the market and the work we put in, as your pay will be a percentage of my commissions.

You’ll have access to Think Real Estate’s established healthcare benefit system, but will be responsible for covering your own costs.

Real estate is a life of new challenges and some hustle, but for the right person, it’s also incredibly flexible, fun, and rewarding. And while the work is super important, it’s just as important to find balance and establish healthy boundaries.

If you’re the selected applicant, you agree to embark on a 3 month trial period to see how well we work together personally and professionally.

This is an equal opportunity job listing, and anyone with the ability to reasonably perform the listed tasks is encouraged to apply.

Shoot Lauren an email at [email protected] letting her know why you think you’d be a good fit. Please also describe your most favorite and least favorite transactions, and why.

Applications close on Friday, November 26th at 5pm.