How My Kitchen Renovation Became a Masterclass in Planning (and Chaos)

Let’s get one thing straight: I love my home. It’s where I unwind, host friends, and build memories. But I always knew the kitchen was a project I’d have to tackle sooner rather than later. Let’s just say my kitchen was… let’s call it a functional nightmare. Narrow prep space, awkward corners, and that peninsula—don’t […]
“I’m Thinking About Buying A House…”

When I hear someone even whisper “I’m Thinking About Buying A House…” I want to look them straight in the eyes and say, “Hold up.” If I could get my potential buyers to take one – and only one – piece of advice when it comes to buying their first home, it is literally to […]
Your First House Isn’t Your Forever House

There’s a good reason why it’s called a “starter home”. It is because your first house isn’t your forever house. It allows you to learn and make mistakes, and realize that life changes. You change. Your city changes, your needs change. And that is probably why, statistically, people nowadays stay in these “starter homes” for […]
Revisiting Duplexes: Path to Passive Income for First Time Investors

If you’re looking for a way to create passive income and build wealth, look no further than investing in duplexes! Here’s everything you need to know.
Self-employed? Here’s How to Buy a House

Ah, self-employment… The joy and opportunity of being your own boss and setting your own hours are endless. As a self-employed person myself, I wouldn’t change it for the world. However, there is one downside that often gets pushed under the rug: buying a house when you’re self-employed is freaking hard! A lot has changed […]
Rats and You: How to Veto the Vermin From Your Home

Oh, Portland. The city of overgrown gardens, plentiful downpours, and backyard chickens. And, rats.
Yep, like any major city – especially a port city with shipping traffic – Portland has a rat problem. And like most major cities around the country, the pandemic + less restaurant waste = more rats migrating towards homes.